LVMAC Tidbit — New Edition of PTSD Booklet Available

PTSD Recovery Booklet Cover, 7th Edition, 2013To meet the demand, a reprinting of Stephanie Laite Lantham’s Veterans and Families’ Guide for Recovering from PTSD is now available upon request at no cost to those who want to learn more about PTSD and want to know how to help a loved one or a friend.  The booklet has also proven unexpectedly useful to the local judiciary and municipalities as well.

“The Guide” was at one time distributed by the Military Order of Purple Heart (MOPH) to the VA Vet Centers in all 50 states. That’s how it came it first came to our attention.  We believed booklet could fulfill an additional, special need in our community if tailored to it. Fortunately, the author was willing to work with us. (more…)

Forward Observer — Mini-Stand Down … Learning From Others

LVMAC Poster Art 2005They say you can always learn from others.  While it is a bit out of our area of operations, we think the 16 November Mini Stand Down in the Reading area is something about to which to take note.  (Rumor has it there will be one at the Allentown VA Outpatient Clinic in the near future by another organization.  Nothing official has come from the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center network to us.)   As the cold weather approaches, such events for veterans who are homeless and perhaps living on the streets take on added significance.  Kudos to Chapter G, 2nd Brigade Motorcycle Club for taking on this duty … and not just for the first time.  See the flyer attached. (more…)

LVMAC News — The “Vet” Question

LVMAC_Circular_w_Motto 2013 (Backgroundless)Healthcare Providers Seek to Identify Veterans to Improve Their Care

LEHIGH VALLEY, PA; November 6, 2013 – An alliance of every hospital in the Lehigh Valley, created by the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) in 2011, is announcing an initiative to identify veterans during the hospital registration process.  Much in the same way patients are asked if they feel safe in their home, all adult patients soon will be asked whether they are a veteran.  Completion is targeted for 31 March 2014. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Purdue Us! Want to See a Penn State Game?

PSU Military Appreciation Game Flyer 16Nov2013Hurry if you want to see a Penn State football game on 16 November for free.  They’re playing Purdue University.  The school is offering 5,000 tickets to servicemembers (reserve and active), wounded warriors, Gold Star mothers and NOW veterans of any era, to include their family members, and we hear if you register now, you are virtually assured seating.  Yes, you must register — the extended deadline is now 25 October. (more…)

Forward Observer — The Cornerstone of Good Community

LVMAC Poster Art 2005The cornerstone of a good community is its awareness and engagement in civic life.  When it comes upon war, things can sometimes be done outside of government and political processes which can meaningfully Cornerstone MAC 1st Annual-Flyerassist our military, our veterans and their families.  One way is to do fundraising but also to ensure the money goes to organizations that actually help military servicemembers from and military veterans in the communities in which they live. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Raymour & Flannigan and Jewish War Veterans Join Forces Locally

‘Help Wounded Veterans’ ProjectJWV_acf5a

Raymour & Flanigan and Jewish War Veterans of the USA (JWV), the oldest, existing veterans group in the United States, have joined together in an effort to raise monies for the wounded veterans who have returned from the Post 9/11 wars.  All veteran organizations and returning wounded are invited to participate in this effort in a display of unity. (more…)