Iron Pigs Opening Season Game

Veterans and serving military are invited to the opening night of the Iron Pigs Baseball Season.  A limited number of tickets are available.  Please request your tickets using the QR link on the flyer attached or use this direct link found in “To register” on the upper right:  

CareerLinkLV Veteran Job Club

Note that RSVP is wanted.  Meetings occur in PPL Room. If Monday is a federal holiday, meeting occurs on the following Tuesday. One of the better ways to get a good job. One of the better ways for CareerLinks to behave.

LV CareerLink Job Fair

Once again, some minor but necessary consideration of the needs of returning, transitioning veterans (and those separating and thinking of settling Pennsylvania for a better life) in finding good jobs from Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor and Industry and our local Workforce Board.  Take advantage of this opportunity. Twenty-nine or so Read more…