LVMAC Forward Observer: Need to Talk to Someone Over the Afghanistan Situation?

LVMAC Poster Art 2005With the sometimes venal political beat-ups over decisions made past and present in regard to the recent events in Afghanistan, compounded by local reporters trying to solicit comments from any current era veterans about their thoughts over the matter for the sake of a story and the blitz of media video and pictures,  it is should be no surprise that a few veterans are in a funk; or, in extreme cases, experiencing a resurfacing of post-traumatic stress.

While for the majority, a listening ear from family, friends, and associates is all that might be necessary, it is also good to know bona fide resources for more serious situations.  Many of these can be found through the Answers Desk section of this website, but are re-listed here for convenience.  Our thanks to Jenna Jordan of Spectrum News, Cleveland, Ohio, who actually did something useful through contacting the VA. One or two of the resources might surprise you: (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: Chess, “the Fairy Tale of 1001 Blunders”, Finds a Purpose

According to some, there is a growing body of empirical evidence that chess can help ease the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) — helping with both cognitive functioning and mental health.  In some parts of the country, chess clubs have actively worked with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals and the VFW.  And, chess brings people from all walks of life together more casually through the pleasure of a game — something often missing in our society.  Its benefit can be manifold. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: MOPH Truck Run Comes to Macungie

The Ford Motor Company in conjunction with the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), is giving away three trucks to amputee Purple Heart Veterans.  This good deed of caring for those who have borne the battle in their civilian life generally receives little attention in our area.
 As it happens, one of these trucks is stopping in Macungie area.  MOPH Chapter 190 (the Lehigh Valley chapter) and Bethany United Methodist Church (a local church which actively looks out for our veterans) are hosting a celebration event as a result.  You will get a chance to see the truck in operation and meet Justin Burdette, the Purple Heart veteran who was awarded the truck.


LVMAC Tidbit: Pennsylvania’s Unknown(?) Educational Gratuity Program for Disabled Veterans’ Children

Since it is operated by our Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) and not the Department of  Education, you may have never thought to look for an educational program for your children on their website.  Therefore, for those of you rated with a 100% permanent disability from the military or the VA — or  your spouse died in a war, you might want to know about this program.  Every dollar helps to give your children a better life.  We took this from their Transition Assistance News article of May 2018, verbatim: (more…)