LVMAC Tidbit — Help Blue Star Mothers Chapter 201 Get Tee’d Off

BSM LV 12wksXmasOur busy Blue Star Mothers of the Lehigh Valley Chapter No 201, a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit member organization, is hosting its third charity golf event, “Teeing Off for the Troops Tournament”,  to raise funds to support its various endeavors, making a difference to the lives of military service members and veterans from the Greater Lehigh Valley. Its activities include shipping about 1500 care packages to deployed semiannually, sponsoring holiday parties for military families, assisting veterans having financial troubles, providing travel funds for the families of injured soldiers visiting their loved ones, conducting ‘welcome home’ events for returning troops; and visiting patients at VA hospitals. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: PPL Wants to Work With the Council

Anthony Pearson, Founder and President of PPLVets, a “Business Resource Group” (BRG) of PPL Corporation, the local power and light company, spoke to the Council at its 19 June business meeting. He is Persian Gulf War (Gulf War I) Marine who served from 1989 through 1993.

Pearson explained PPL has had ten other minority and special group BRG’s since it began them about 13 to 14 years ago, but it had never had one for veterans until (more…)

Forward Observer — Honey, The “In-Laws” Are Back! The Consumer Credit Association (Payday Lenders)

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Editor’s Note:  Kerry Smith, a Staff Attorney for Community Legal Services of Philadelphia was the speaker at our March Council Meeting.  Ms. Smith, at that time, explained the harm of such lending legislation and how other states which have passed such wish they could turn back the clock.  She urged the Council to stand up for our veterans and oppose any such legislation.


Uninvolved Veterans, Get Off Your Derrieres and Protect Your Comrades

The Pennsylvania Council of Chapters, Military Officers Association of America, strongly opposes Senate Bill 975, the Micro Loan Program, recently introduced on May 31, 2013 to legalize payday lending in Pennsylvania at 300% interest on a two-week loan.  We agree with them.  The bill,  which will result in such usury despite possible good intentions, has surprisingly made it out of the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee by a narrow 8 to 6 voting margin and is now on the floor of the Senate for a vote in a few more days.  PA MOAA Payday Ltr 2013 Revised

Since the possibility exists for our legislators to fail to take — or are not given — the time to completely read the bills they vote upon on a Senate or House floor (let alone reflect upon their possible unintended consequences), your timely action could make the difference in their decision-making. (more…)

Forward Observer — Pending Payday Lending Legislation: A Debt Trap for Military Veterans

Kerry Smith, Community Legal Services Warns of the Danger

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Kerry Smith, Staff Attorney, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, a leading advocate for low income residents in the Philadelphia area, spoke to the Council at its 20 March business meeting as a member of a coalition of over 90 organizations – including the Community Action Committee of Lehigh Valley, MOAA of Pennsylvania, the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society, the Veterans Leadership Program of Western Pennsylvania; and the Council of Churches, AFL-CIO and AARP of Pennsylvania – who have concerns about the recent lobbying to allow payday lending in Pennsylvania, which is currently illegal. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Local Habitat for Humanity Seeks Humane Veterans

Debra Cummins, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Lehigh Valley (HFHLV), an LVMAC member, and her Program Development Director, Thomas Mohr, a veteran, addressed the Council at its 17 March 2013 business meeting on its desire to recruit veterans as volunteers.

She said, “Habitat for Humanity International, the parent organization, has a global vision of everyone having a decent place to live.  And Habitat has been in the Lehigh Valley since 1989 improving lives, seeking to put God’s love into action by bringing people together, for it is an ecumenical movement.”  She emphasized the organization will work with and provide homes regardless of a person’s religious persuasion. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Last Call for 2013 Student Vets Conference

Less than two weeks are left until the March 2nd through 3rd Student Veterans Education & Employment Conference at the William Pitt Student Union on the University of Pittsburgh campus, Pittsburgh, PA. Register today to meet the Student Veterans of America Staff and National Leadership Council Members who know first-hand effective strategies for supporting student veterans.  And even fewer days are left to register.  The deadline for registration is Friday, February 22nd. (more…)