LVMAC Tidbit — Last Call for 2013 Student Vets Conference

Less than two weeks are left until the March 2nd through 3rd Student Veterans Education & Employment Conference at the William Pitt Student Union on the University of Pittsburgh campus, Pittsburgh, PA. Register today to meet the Student Veterans of America Staff and National Leadership Council Members who know first-hand effective strategies for supporting student veterans.  And even fewer days are left to register.  The deadline for registration is Friday, February 22nd. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — A Women Veterans Symposium, First of Its Kind in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), under which the Office of Veterans Affairs is found,  is hosting its first Pennsylvania Women Veterans Symposium (PWVS) on March 8-10, 2013, at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg.  All Pennsylvania women veterans, regardless of period of service, are welcome.

The symposium is geared to meet the needs of women veterans by providing them with information and resources, to include VA benefits and health care.  Important guest speakers will be featured, as well as breakout sessions on a variety of topics of particular interest to women veterans.  The event will also provide an opportunity to meet fellow vets and build camaraderie. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Veterans Day Discounts for 2012 and Pennsylvania’s Act 176 of 2012

We frequently get calls about Veterans discount programs.  On Veterans Day, in particular, businesses often discount goods, services and dining at their establishments as a token of appreciation for our our veterans and servicemembers, as well as their families.  One of the more complete and maintained sources is found at  Click here for Veterans Day offerings.

By the way, Pennsylvania’s Governor on 24 October signed into law House Bill 2428 as Act 176 of 2012.  Its importance? (more…)

LVMAC Tidbits — A Very Special Veterans Event

What:              Veterans Day Event Celebration
Where:            Veterans Sanctuary, 24 South Fifth Street, Allentown PA
When:             Saturday, November 10, 1-3 p.m.

Join the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC), Treatment Trends and Warrior Songs as we celebrate military veterans on Saturday, November 10, from 1-3 p.m. at the Veterans Sanctuary in Allentown. (more…)

LVMAC News — Thrivent Foundation Wishes to Work with LVMAC


Newspaper Logo 70%Messrs. Rick Baldwin, Community Engagement Coordinator, Tom Knauer and Michael Colson, the regional point of contact, of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans addressed the Council at its 26 September business meeting.  Although there is no chapter specific to the Lehigh Valley, there are about 107,287 members in 53 chapters throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Consequently, it might play a huge role to the benefit of veterans in our valley.  This is what their talk centered around. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbits — NCC Tribute to the Troops Dedication

You are invited to join the Band of Brothers, Northampton Community College’s (NCC) veterans organization, for the dedication of  the recently completed Veterans Plaza in the Susan K. Kubik Tribute Garden at 11:30 a.m. on 1 November 2012. The Tribute Garden is between Penn and Commonwealth Halls on the NCC Main Campus at 3835 Green Pond Road in Bethlehem. A free luncheon hosted by the NCC Alumni Association will follow the dedication. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Valley’s Top Healthcare Execs Bless “Healthcare in Our Community” Initiative as Active Partners

Lehigh Valley’s Health Care Executives Met July 19 Regarding Military/Veteran Health Care

On July 19, 2012, after six months of collaboration with representatives from all the major health care providers in the Lehigh Valley, the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) hosted a luncheon meeting at Northampton Community College to present a “Health Care in Our Community” project status report.  The following chief executive officers of the Lehigh Valley’s hospitals attended this historic gathering: (more…)