LVMAC Tidbit — Looking for a Few Good Women

HFHLV Women's Build 2013No, it is not Marine recruiting we’re talking about, but instead a Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley request for veterans as construction volunteers.

They seek about 10 to 20 women who are veterans or in the Guard and Reserves for a day’s worth of construction during its Women’s Blitz Build on St. James St. in Bethlehem expected to occur from August 13 through 24, this year. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — On 27 May Give Time for a Moment of Remembrance

Memorial Day should be more than a picnic holidayLVMAC Poster Art 2007 and a sales day.  It is intended to be a day when we remember those who fought and died for us and our way of life, and to rededicate ourselves to good purposes to ensure their sacrifice was not wasted.  In an effort to remind our citizenry, adults and youth, of what it sometimes required of us to be Americans, a National Moment of Remembrance was added to the day in 2000. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — A Special Memorial Day Service

Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church is continuingCCBFC Memorial Day 26May2013 Flyer its tradition of holding a special Memorial Day service on 26 May at 9 a.m. for veterans at its church located just off the intersection of Cedar Crest Boulevard and I-78 in Allentown.  This year’s guest speaker will be Retired Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer who is currently the U.S.  Global Malaria Coordinator. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Come! Salute the Troops

To the General Public:LVMAC Salute to Troops Dinner Flyer 2013 v2

On May 3rd, the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) and the City of Allentown are sponsoring the tenth, annual “Salute to the Troops” dinner to honor our local military, veterans and their families. This festive occasion celebrates those who have recently returned to us and those who still serve us.  As part of our community, we ask you to express your own appreciation through taking the time to attend.

The dinner will be held at The Palace, 623 Hanover Avenue in Allentown.  Cocktails will begin at 6:00 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm. Event normally ends around 10 p.m.  Free parking is available onsite.

Cost is $35 per person.  All serving military and a guest are being invited to the dinner at no cost. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — BSA Troop 57 Spreads Its Ashes on Graves

Retired Flag Ceremonies to Occur in June; Recognizing the Fifth Anniversary of the Program

BSA PA 57 A2G June 2013 FlyerBoy Scout of America Troop 57, jointly sponsored by Union Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Schnecksville and Union United Church of Christ of Neffs, will incinerate American flags at its Fifth Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony at 7:00pm on Tuesday, June 11th on the grounds of the Schnecksville Fire Company.

On June 18th, it will conduct its “Ashes to Graves” ceremony, at which time the incinerated ashes will be spread on Veteran Memorials and veterans’ graves in various church cemeteries located in the Lehigh Valley.   In the opinion of Mr. Peter Hermany, Event Coordinator, and others, this is much more fitting way to dispose of the ashes than dumping them in a trash can, as has occurred.

This year’s Flag Retirement Ceremony will include various tributes honoring the history of our flag, a special salute to military, and a review of the five year history of the “Ashes to Graves” program in addition to the cremation of the flags.  The Troop is therefore asking veterans and veterans organizations to participate in attending this event.

Flags will be collected starting the first week of May.  See below for contacts. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Wan’a Trip to the World War II Memorial?

This trip is for World War II veterans.  The WWII Homefront Gals and Guys organization, operating out of Berks and Lancaster County, is sponsoring a trip to the World War II Memorial on 27 April 2013.  For a few in our area of operations, the pick up points at the Berkshire Mall and the Lancaster Shopping Center are reasonably close.  We hear they are having trouble filling the bus.  So maybe you can bring your own “chaperone”? (more…)

LVMAC News — Veterans, Reservists and the National Guard Should Worry About a Pennsylvania Payday Lending Bill

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In this Issue

Pending Payday Lending Legislation: A Debt Trap for Military Veterans
General Announcements
Scholarship Program
Community Educational Outreach
PTSD Booklet for Families
Healthcare in Our Community
Veterans Supportive Colleges Initiative
DoD/VA News

Pending Payday Lending Legislation: A Debt Trap for Military Veterans

Go to the Forward Observer article on payday lending to read what Kerry Smith told the Council at its 20 March business meeting. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — PA Superior Court “Argues” About Vets

An Event Honoring Those Who Have Served

On 26 February the Argument Court of the PA Superior Court is coming to Northampton County and will begin its special session by hosting an open program to honor our veterans.  The event is called, “Honoring Those Who Serve – A Tribute to Our Veterans.”  The purpose of the event is to publicly acknowledge the military service and sacrifices made by veterans and their families.  During the program, three veterans of different wars will speak. (more…)