LVMAC Tidbit — Small Business Administration Ups Its Game Locally

SBA LogoThe Eastern Pennsylvania (aka Philadelphia) District of the Small Business Administration seems to be improving its veterans outreach into the Lehigh Valley and nearby these days.  Late last year they did something with CACLV, an odd acquaintance.  Hopefully, we will continue to see more of the types of efforts shown below.   It has been said 40 percent of all military servicemembers upon discharge wish to start their own businesses (or work for themselves).  The statistic is questionable, but there are certainly enough veterans in this third largest metropolitan statistical area of the commonwealth with the aptitude, perseverance and seriousness required to start their own business, if they only knew how.  (more…)

LVMAC News — LVMAC Healthcare Alliance Seeks Executive Assistant

HOC Official Logo 2013Job Announcement

The Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) is seeking a part-time Executive Assistant for the Veterans Affairs Committee’s Healthcare in Our Community Task Force, an alliance of all the healthcare networks in our community aimed at improving the delivery of services to our military veterans.  The complexity of the project has now risen to the level that demands on the time of participants is such that dedicated, dependable administrative assistance manpower is needed to assistance. If interested, apply immediately!

LVMAC Tidbit — Treatment Trends Seeks Case Manager for Veterans

TTI LogoVeterans Sanctuary is dead, killed off by a lack of government-private sector cooperation, but Treatment Trends, Inc. persists in seeking ways to assist those veterans with profound drug and alcohol programs find a better life.  Now it is seeking a Veterans Treatment Case Manager to aid veterans who are receiving addiction treatment in Keenan House and the Halfway Home of the Lehigh Valley in an effort to help them access community health, veterans support services, social and VA services.  This part of a “veterans track” effort within the organization and has been recognized by the Office of Veterans Affairs, Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs with grant funding. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Permanent Employment for the Chronically Unemployed?

Lehigh Conf of ChurchesOne of the smaller, gold-nugget programs we help fund as part of our effort to assist veterans is Lehigh Conferences of Church’s Permanent Employment Program (PEP) because its vision entails assisting “chronically unemployed individuals to search for, and obtain, meaningful employment by providing barrier assessment, education, case management, and subsidized work experiences in the Lehigh Valley” – in other words, a holistic, work-oriented approach. In so doing, it can take a veteran who was once unemployed to a state of self-sufficiency through meaningful, permanent employment which does not have to be subsidized. (more…)

Forward Observer — “Go Southeast, Young Man.” (PhillyVet 2015 Job Challenge)

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Although we in the Lehigh Valley do not consider ourselves part of Greater Philadelphia, many of us seek employment wherever we can find it — finding good jobs is always an issue.  Recently Veterans Recruiting (an organization that had worked with USAA in the past using its virtual job fair technology) has teamed up the with Greater Philadelphia Veterans Network and MedVeteran in an effort to help at least 2,015 veterans find meaningful jobs in 2015.  The effort is called the Philly Veterans 2015 Challenge. (more…)

Forward Observer — When It Comes to Veterans, Strange Bedfellows on Display 5 November: LU’s SDBC and CADCB

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Something queer for the good has happened.  All of a sudden the Community Action Development Corporation of Bethlehem (CADCB) has taken an interest in veterans’ entrepreneurship.  It is ‘partnering’ with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to offer a seminar about entrepreneurship opportunities for veterans on  5 November at the Fowler Center in South Bethlehem (click on the flyer thumbnail below and to the right).   Actually the SBA partner is Lehigh University’s Small Business Development Center (together with Kutztown University’s, often hidden secret to veterans from the Lehigh Valley interested in starting a business). (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Habitat for Humanity Is Looking to Hire

Something an Ex-Noncom Ought to be Able to Do Standing on His Head

We can’t exactly describe what is presented below as a job and it is for a pittance, but is that new to many of us ex-soldiers?  And is finding a job the only thing that determines a meaningful and rewarding life?  Some things appeal to higher reasoning:  the wife wants you out from underfoot, you are bored and looking for something to do … or you want to do some good for others.

Well, stand up and give Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley, a member organization, a try.  Don’t let the homebuilding construction knowledge requirement deter you from applying.  Show them the value of a “military education” — we know how to lead, learn quickly, can adapt ourselves to the situation, and continue to give more of ourselves than money can pay.

For the younger of you, it won’t hurt the resume, either. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Pennsylvania Veterans Foundation Seeks All-Volunteer Nonprofits to Assist With Grants

PVF LogoFor the first time, the Pennsylvania Veterans Foundation (PVF) “… is seeking to assist approximately ten Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations that help military veteran with grants ranging from $5,000 to $10,000.  Specifically, the PVF is asking County Directors of Veterans Affairs and other community leaders to identify noteworthy organizations that are doing tremendous work yet need some extra resources to expand their effectiveness and reach,” states Mike Gould, the foundation’s Chairman of the Board. (more…)