Forward Observer — Put the Bastards in Jail

LVMAC Poster Art 2005We have written before concerning the presence of scamming when it comes to veterans.  You would think us targeted prey because it is an ongoing and widespread problem nationally.  Pennsylvania’s Office of Attorney General, specifically its relatively new Office of Military and Veterans Affairs, has become more involved of late — an indication that the problem is particularly acute in the commonwealth.

PWVC Wanted Poster May2015Now we hear that some firms and persons in Pennsylvania, veterans among them, are charging for filing a VA compensation or pension claim for a veteran or a survivor.  (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Small Business Administration Ups Its Game Locally

SBA LogoThe Eastern Pennsylvania (aka Philadelphia) District of the Small Business Administration seems to be improving its veterans outreach into the Lehigh Valley and nearby these days.  Late last year they did something with CACLV, an odd acquaintance.  Hopefully, we will continue to see more of the types of efforts shown below.   It has been said 40 percent of all military servicemembers upon discharge wish to start their own businesses (or work for themselves).  The statistic is questionable, but there are certainly enough veterans in this third largest metropolitan statistical area of the commonwealth with the aptitude, perseverance and seriousness required to start their own business, if they only knew how.  (more…)

Forward Observer — The VA Fixes the Veterans Choice Card’s “How the Crow Flies” Issue

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Few doubt that Congress had a point in wanting the Veterans Choice Card provision in the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) — excessive delays in service merited this temporary measure — but it seems also to have  rushed the Department of Veterans Affairs, whether unfairly or not.  In its haste to respond to short deadlines, the VA has made some poor regulatory decisions along the way. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — VA Health Care Expands Eligibility

va_sealJust announced on 17 March 2015 and effective as of 2015, the VA has eliminated the use of net worth as a determining factor for both health care programs and copayment responsibilities. The intention is to make the program more accessible to low-income veterans.  The VA estimates this may affect only 190,000 Veterans over a five year period, but VA estimates can be wrong. (more…)

LVMAC News — Are You Transitioning? A’s for Vets Has an Education Fair for You

Soldier Grad 3The key purposes of a GI Bill are to assist a returning military veteran in readjusting and retraining for new employment.  While not all veterans have the need or seek the use of their educational benefits, approximately 25 per cent of returning veterans do within two years of discharge.  It therefore behooves us to pay attention to their needs for us to reap the biggest gain for our society.  Academics for Veterans, or A’s for Vets, intends to do just that; and it is about to conduct its first major event with that intention.  The LVMAC alliance will conduct an education fair for military veterans and their families  on 28 February, beginning at 8 a.m., at Moravian College’s Haupert Union Building.  Click here for the details and on how to register while space is available. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — New VA Policy on Military Sexual Trauma Is in Place

va_sealWhile little mention of it has occurred locally, it is important for some veterans to know, as of 1 December 2014, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), under the authority from the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (aka VACAA or Public Law 113-146; and the same authority which introduced Veterans Choice Cards) has expanded eligibility for military veterans, male or female, in need of mental health care due to sexual assault or sexual harassment that occurred during their military service, now commonly referred to as military sexual trauma (MST).  Dr. Adelman, the new Director of the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center Network, assures us the program is fully operating in his network.

The change in policy primarily affects Reservists and National Guard members participating in weekend drills, (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Home-based Primary Care Program Begins at the Allentown VA Clinic!

va_sealAbout September 2014, the Allentown Outpatient Clinic began offering Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) according to Dr. Adelman, the new Director of the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center.  He announced it during an 18 December meeting of the Veterans Advisory Group at the clinic.

The mission of HBPC is to provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary primary care in the homes of veterans with complex medical conditions when routine, clinic-based care would not be effective or practicable. Consequently, the program focuses on the frail and chronically ill who require interdisciplinary care and ensures the necessary continuity and coordination of the care occurs at home as much as possible. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — VA and Blue Star Mothers Chatting on 17 December About CHAMPVA!

va_sealAre you the spouse or child of a Veteran?  You may qualify for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of VA (CHAMPVA), which can reimburse you for doctor’s visits, mental health care, prescriptions, and many other services.  Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center would like you to know that on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, from 7–8 p.m. Eastern, VA and Blue Star Families (a nonprofit organization not related to Blue Star Mothers) will host a Facebook chat about VA benefits for Veterans’ spouses, dependents, and survivors.  Anyone with a Facebook account can take part and it is not too late to sign up.  The instructions follow: (more…)