LVMAC Tidbit: Pennsylvania’s Unknown(?) Educational Gratuity Program for Disabled Veterans’ Children

Since it is operated by our Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) and not the Department of  Education, you may have never thought to look for an educational program for your children on their website.  Therefore, for those of you rated with a 100% permanent disability from the military or the VA — or  your spouse died in a war, you might want to know about this program.  Every dollar helps to give your children a better life.  We took this from their Transition Assistance News article of May 2018, verbatim: (more…)

Forward Observer: Thinking of Starting or Improving Your Own Business?

LVMAC Poster Art 2005There are 28 million small businesses in the United States according to the Small Business Administration, an amazing 99.7 percent of all the employers.  Small businesses employ over 56 million people in this country, about 57 percent of all the employment in the private sector.  Think about that.  They certainly are an important component to ensuring a thriving economy.  Throughout our history, small businesses have helped to secure the “American Dream.” Importantly, they rely heavily on workers for their success, not on some “robotic arm.”

In that vein of thinking, Pennsylvania is gradually getting around to the addressing the issues of generating veterans businesses in the Commonwealth. (more…)

LVMAC News: New Employment Website

At the 21 February 2018 Council meeting — and among a gamut of topics including its Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS), the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for separating servicemembers, grants for homelessness efforts, and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) — Mr. David Cummiskey, Assistant Director in Pennsylvania for the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), introduced the website.  Although we are convinced personalized, pro-active point-of-service can not be overlooked or replaced, this website is a welcomed addition for beginning the transition to civilian employment or, for older veterans, re-employment.  It needs more marketing. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: Should You Be On The “Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit” Registry?

You may not be aware of the fact that the VA maintains an “Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry” to allow eligible veterans and service members to document their exposures and report health concerns through an online questionnaire.  Like its cousin, the Agent Orange Registry, it is often the first step towards VA long-term healthcare; and also in recognizing service related illnesses and diseases, to include making some presumptive.  (more…)