Forward Observer: Another Plug for Helping the Census Bureau

LVMAC Poster Art 2005We have already written about the need to participate in the 2020 census, individually or by working as a census taker.   The Lehigh Valley did phenomenally poorly last census to its detriment, we have been told.

So, here comes a little more information for those veterans and their friends who have the ability to stand up and assist as temporary employees of the U.S. Census Bureau — and it is not a bad deal financially for the hours worked, either. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit: Suffering from Military Sexual Trauma?

Lehigh Valley Health Network Wishes to Help

The Veteran Health Program of Lehigh Valley Hospital Network (LVHN) has been conducting focus groups with women veterans and service members who experienced military sexual trauma (MST). The intent of these focus groups is to learn how MST has affected their healthcare.

On 10 February beginning at 5:30 p.m., the final focus group will be held at Moravian College’s Reeves Library on the main campus.


LVMAC Tidbit: Op Homefront Changes Lives

One of the more worthwhile national, military support organizations to have arrived on the scene since the second Gulf War is Operation Homefront.  It focuses on those still serving and also those just discharging.  While it cannot replace the value of certain, long-established, chartered veterans service organizations and their grassroots support activities (one would be ignorant to think so), it is definitely a value-for-the money organization which attempts to address some of the more pressing concerns of military families in often imaginative ways. (more…)