LVMAC Tidbit — Government Shutdown Affects Veterans

Many of you have concerns about the continuationVeterans Shutdown Field_Guide 01Oct2013 (1 of 2) of the government shutdown engineered by our Congress.

Since we are largely a veterans population in the Lehigh Valley, we thought it would be useful for you to know the facts on how you are affected.  Tap on the images on the right  for the details the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is putting out.  (more…)

Forward Observer — Something Smart from the PA Dept. of Labor and Industry That Might Help Veterans

LVMAC Poster Art 2005When it comes to helping veterans find employment — having done away with its Governor’s Veterans Outreach and Assistance Centers (and using them properly before that) and having had problems with the staffing of JobGateway 2013its Veterans Employment Representative program — the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) has not exactly been a frontrunner among state labor departments. But its JobGatewaySM  is a web product which comes as close to providing a one-stop employment shopping environment online as you can get, and has the potential to actually help our veterans community because it also tries to engage prospective employers providing good, wage paying jobs, registering those who pass muster.  (more…)

LVMAC Tidbit — Poaching Veterans’ Pensions

Veterans Are Being Preyed Upon Again

David M. Dubois, Deputy Director of the Office of Servicemember Affairs in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau of the Federal Trade Commission,  has put out this alert to various veterans groups: “Veterans and their families are a target for some dishonest advisers who are claiming to offer free help with paperwork for pension claims.”

“The scheme involves attorneys, financial planners, and insurance agents trying to get veterans to make decisions about their pensions, without giving them the whole truth,” according to Dubois. (more…)

LVMAC News — Babb-ling on About Military History

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In This Issue

  • Mr. Babb Talks About the Veterans History Project Roundtable
  • Veterans Affairs Committee Develops Its Operating Budget
  • Looking Forward on the Homelessness Front
  • 2013 Scholarship Season Opening
  • Re-looking Our Employment Programs
  • Health Care Initiative Progressing
  • Project Healing Waters Events Set for 2013
  • Focus on Colleges Begins
  • Report on the War Veterans Council
  • DoD/VA News


David Babb, a historian and interviewer for the Lehigh Valley Veterans History Project Roundtable, a member organization, spoke to the Council at its business meeting on 17 January 2013.

His organization was formed in 2007 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization two capture the stories of all wartime veterans and also those who served on the home front. It collects documents and preserves their personal experiences and then shares those stories with both the public and the Library of Congress.  To date about 200 interviews have been done. (more…)

Forward Observer — Cutting the Red Tape from Veterans’ and Survivors’ Pensions — Somewhat


LVMAC Poster Art 2005Besides seeming to signal lately the transition in nomenclature from the poorly named Disability Pension and the Death Pension to the terms Veterans’ Pension and Survivors’ Pension  respectively, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) has gone on to do something truly significant in this benefit area which is worthwhile to our veterans and their survivors: preventing the unnecessary interruption of monthly payments over the failure to file a report on time. The new procedure also applies to Parents Dependency Indemnity Compensation (Parents DIC) because it too is income-based and is, therefore, essentially a pension in the VA’s lingo. (more…)

LVMAC News — LVMAC Awards Its Scholarships


The 2012 award recipients of the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council’s Scholarship Program were honored at the Council’s business meeting on 15 August 2012. Phil Hublitz of the Scholarship Subcommittee, presented the awards, assisted by Dave Binder, Board Member.  The awardees had been vetted by a team consisting of Phil Hublitz and Bob Rothenberger as Co-Chairs, Lois Binder, JoAnn Van Billiard, and Tom Shaunessey

Most of the awardees are high school seniors and the most are enrolling in ROTC in college with plans to serve in the military – several plan twenty year careers in the service. The majority are enrolled in local colleges. Two who are a veteran’s child plan on military service. One homeless veteran is returning to college. Applications from returning veterans continue to be problematic probably due to the generous Post 9/11 GI Bill. Local colleges have a large veteran enrollment, the college financial aid staffs have been contacted and are well aware that scholarships are available from LVMAC. Veterans have a record of success in college. An application has never been received from a Reservist or Guardsman from a local military unit, except for their children. Those recognized, together with their families, were: (more…)

LVMAC News — Assistant District Attorney Luksa Explains DA’s Veterans’ Mentor Program


Steve Luksa, First Assistant District Attorney for Lehigh County, spoke to the Council on 20 June at its business meeting about the District Attorney’s Veterans’ Mentor Program. Other program team members present with him were: Debbie Garlicki, Executive Aide (Public Relations), DA’s Office; Brenda Trayes, Administrative Assistant, DA’s Office; Shane Schmeckenbecker, Probation Officer II; and Maureen McManus, Executive Director of Lehigh Valley Pretrial Services

According to Mr. Luksa, the one-year old, Veterans’ Mentor Program (whose motto is “Leave no veteran behind.”) started out as part of Team MISA (Mental Illness and Substance Abuse), now in its seventh year and an effort which has reduced cost and recidivism while still protecting the community. An increasing number of veterans were using the that program, but there was no way to address treating them uniquely (as he believed they should be).  Hence the program was created. (more…)

LVMAC Tidbits — Veterans Sanctuary: Closed Up for Good?

Treatment Trends Announces Suspension of Operations

It is with profound dismay that the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council informs you of Veterans Sanctuary’s suspension of operations. It was our only local, long-term residential addiction and PTSD services treatment facility exclusively dedicated to military veterans. This important asset to our veterans statewide is no longer accepting clients. (more…)