LVMAC News: Why a Northampton Veterans Court is Needed
What Good Will It Do? Judge Jennifer Sletvold of the Northampton Court of Common Pleas and Stephanie Spenser Stewart, Northampton County Problem Solving Court Coordinator, spoke to the council at its 17 April 2024 meeting in Hellertown about the creation of a Veterans Treatment Court, the first in of its Read more…
LVMAC News: Veterans Brotherhood?
What’s That About? Mr. John Kukitz of the Veterans Brotherhood (standing in for its founder, Clyde Hoch), explained to the council at its 20 March 2024 meeting in Hellertown the purpose and accomplishments of his organization in immediate, on-the-ground helping of veterans to include those with housing problems and appearing Read more…
LVMAC News: Women Veterans Empowered & Thriving Speaks Out
What are We, What are We Up To? Ms. Jennifer Pacanowski, Founder and Director of Women Veterans Empowered and Thriving, Inc. explained to the council at its 21 February 2024 meeting in Hellertown the purpose and new efforts of her organization primarily in the area of women veteran’s — and Read more…
Upper Saucon Township Memorial Day 2-Mile Bike/Walk/Run
Our community is hosting our tenth, annual Memorial Day even. This year we are honoring Brandon Van Parys (USMC) who was killed in Iraq in 2007 (graduated from Northwestern Lehigh High School). His mother and father are our guests of honor and will speak at our event.
LVMAC Bethlehem Memorial Day Parade
Hosted by the United Veterans of Bethlehem. Lineup begins at 8:30 am in front of Liberty High School. Parking is available at the high school. Please come early to alleviate any traffic problems. To register as a parade participant, see “More Info” to the right.
Bethlehem Memorial Service for Vietnam War Dead
Join the Bethlehem Detachment of the Marine Corps League as it conducts a Memorial Ceremony at the Killed-in-Action Memorial. The event features prayer, music, a reading of the names of the 35 men whose names are inscribed on the memorial, and a short oration by a Bethlehem veteran. It is Read more…