LVMAC Tidbits — PTSD Help for Families

Published by LVMAC on

Veterans and Families’ Guide to Recovering from PTSD is Now Available

We thank the author, Stephanie Laite Lanham, PMH-NP, for granting us permission to publish the 6th edition of this booklet. “The Guide”, as it has come to be called by many, was very well received when nationally distributed for several years by the Military Order of Purple Heart (MOPH) to the Vet Centers in all 50 states. The Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council (LVMAC) believes it has found a new life for the Veterans and Families’ Guide for Recovering from PTSD.  It has been in the process of distributing it over the last two months.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be successfully treated if help is sought, yet a problem has long existed in getting those who suffer into treatment and using the services available. It may not be the veteran who first seeks help but a friend or family member who reaches out on behalf of the military person or veteran. The story of a father, mother, spouse, or friend driving an unknowing veteran to the door of a VA Clinic or Vet Center and walking him or her inside is not an “urban myth.”

Sadly, this psychiatric disorder [Let’s not try to prettify the suffering with new terminology.] claims other victims indirectly. Symptoms of PTSD create stress. As a result, family members and anyone closely connected to the person with post trauma symptoms may suffer their own symptoms such as anxiety and depression. They too may be in need of comfort, support, counseling, and possibly treatment.

Therefore, LVMAC believes more must be done locally to educate family members and friends of both married and single military service members and veterans in recognizing the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and how to properly respond. This booklet is one tool to help achieve that objective.

LVMAC also has substantially revised the resource guide in the back of this book, working with the author. Family friendly and local resources have been emphasized. This was done because while VA Vet Centers are often mentioned and a wonderful resource, unfortunately there are none in the Lehigh Valley which has one of the most dense and high veterans populations in the State of Pennsylvania [without satisfactory explanation either]. The closest have been listed in the hope a few will use them, but check the resource guide in the back of the book for alternatives.

To obtain a copy(s) for a Lehigh Valley family(s), use and provide a means to contact you to arrange distribution.


As of 1 February 2011