Forward Observer: Something for Other Veterans Organizations to Consider for Their Own Well-Being?

Momentum for PA VFW’s No Smoking Indoors Campaign Continues to March On

LVMAC Poster Art 2005There has been loads of talk these days about improving the well-being of military veterans and their families.   But without the well-being of chartered veterans organizations such as the VFW, The American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, Vietnam Veterans of America and others also being maintained, that prospect instantly becomes harder.  The veterans benefits we have today were largely hard-earned through these organizations. (more…)

Forward Observer: Bethany Church Launches Effort to Address PTSD and Trauma

LVMAC Poster Art 2005It is in the formative stage, but the Bethany Church located in the Macungie area, will be hosting two workshops to promote a better understanding PTSD — with the intention of starting a peer-to-peer support group afterwards, if successful.  Led by Scotty Coyle, Pastor of Discipleship and also a current war, combat veteran, the approach is non-clinical, for he is not a clinical psychologist.  However, he is an experienced counselor who has studied PTSD treatments.

It is unfortunate that some veterans (more…)

Forward Observer: Vet Center Counseling Now Available During Training or Drill Weekends for the Guard– BUT NOT SO MUCH IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY?

LVMAC Poster Art 2005On 27 August the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it had formalized a partnership with the Department of Defense formalized a partnership on 28 June between VA’s Vet Centers and the National Guard Bureau, to provide Vet Center counseling, outreach staff and other services to members during training or drill weekends to decrease their suicide rate — a reputed problem in the Pennsylvania National Guard. (more…)

Forward Observer: Law Suit Filed Over Delay in Blue Water Navy Claims Processing

LVMAC Poster Art 2005On 22 July, the Military-Veterans Advocacy, a nonprofit legal organization which had a major role in overturning the VA’s decision not to process Blue Water Navy veterans’ Agent Orange claims through a remarkable legal action (Procopio vs. Wilkie), is now asking a federal judge to rescind a stay on Blue Water Navy claims processing imposed by Secretary Wilkie, aided and abetted by the U.S. Congress for good or ill. (more…)

Forward Observer: How Good is the VA Healthcare System?

LVMAC Poster Art 2005These days many people are attacking the VA for its quality of care, especially those seeking to privatize the system entirely, as opposed to those wanting to improve staffing and access to care (which involves contracting out also).  Most healthcare systems in our vicinity would be found as wanting if held to the same level of scrutiny.  In many instances the problems are furthered by the competition for resources in short supply (e.g. medical professionals) versus the sharing of them — which is typical of other businesses.  Yet, not infrequently the quality of care provided by the VA (socialized medicine, incidentally) is superior; and the reportage on that quality (transparency) is currently unrivaled, frankly. (more…)

Forward Observer:  Secretary Wilkie’s Four Priorities for the VA in 2019

LVMAC Poster Art 2005Priorities, smy-orities … five, six or ten … different ones almost every time you look …  when it comes to the Department of Veterans Affairs (and federal agencies in general).  It is time to do a little house cleaning as the new year begins because, in these times, on what the VA concentrates will dramatically change its operations in the coming years.  For example, implementing the Mission Act listed below is no ‘small potatoes’ matter.

In his words, the Secretary of the VA, Mr. Wilkie, has now whittled down the Department of Veterans Affairs’ strategic priorities for 2019 to four:  (more…)