LVMAC Tidbit:  CSOR Veteran Survey May Improve Occupational Licensing in Pennsylvania

Published by LVMAC on

The Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation is conducting a project with the U.S. Department of Labor which is studying the effects occupational licensing has on military veterans and military spouses.  If affected, participate now.  The survey is set to end December 2020.  [Editor’s Note: The survey may be extended as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic, as intended outreach events have been cancelled.]

The survey, being distributed throughout the Commonwealth, asks questions about barriers of employment. The goal of the survey is to help the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania distinguish the needs of servicemen and servicewomen, and their spouses, as it pertains to occupational licensing.

After the completion of the survey, the results will be shared with the Governors “command center”, Department of State’s Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BOPA), the state Department of Labor and Industry (DLI), and the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL).  Ultimately, this information will be used to continue and create proposed best practices to assist military veteran families in Pennsylvania.

If you are a military veteran or a military spouse and are interested in our survey, click here to begin!

Source: CSOR’s Veteran Survey Goes Live – CSORSFU


As of 8 April 2020