Forward Observer — The Veterans Choice Program Drama Continues: Getting Bugged by the Private Healthcare’s Debt Collectors?

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VA Announces Community Care Call Center to Help Veterans with Choice Program Billing Issues

LVMAC Poster Art 2005The joy of encountering the American private medical systems’  debt collectors has been taken on by the Department of Veterans Affairs in effort to make right with their veterans.  On 14 March 2016, the VA announced the opening of yet another call center – this time to resolve debt collection issues resulting from problems created by the Veterans Choice [Card] program.  Veterans have been experiencing adverse credit reporting or debt collection resulting from inappropriately billed Choice Program claims.  The VA is now acknowledging that delayed payments and inappropriately billed claims are unacceptable and have caused stress for veterans and providers alike.

Consequently, the new “Community Care Call Center” will work to resolve instances of improper billing; and, as such,  it is a resource for both veterans and the medical providers.  According to the VA, the center’s staff is trained and ready to work with the medical providers to expunge adverse credit reporting on veterans resulting from delayed payments to providers.

Ironically, the VA is also urging veterans to continue working with their in-house, VA primary care team to obtain necessary health care services regardless of adverse credit reporting or debt collection activity.  In other words, the VA fears losing regular patients over the offer of Veterans Choice from another perspective: its inefficiencies.  The matter has become that serious.

The number to call is 1-877-881-7618, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST.

Ostensibly, this is the first of several, new steps to get the Veterans Choice Program’s procedures streamlined to ensure timely provider payments.  This is good news.

For more details about the Veterans Choice Program and VA’s progress, visit


As of 22 March 2016