
… Donate Your Time, Resources, and Skills

If you are interested in donating something other than money, we’re interested!! In fact, why join an organization unless you intend to help it along as much as you can. Participate directly.

The Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council offers many opportunities for involvement. It is not a national organization working from a website. The action is local.

To accomplish what needs be done, it works on a project/program basis using other organizations or through teams and committees. Hard work is often required, but there is also great satisfaction in doing something for others, in the personal growth gained by the experience, and the sense of personal empowerment that volunteer organizations can give: “Yes, I can make a difference.”

Come to our council meetings, talk to it its board members, sit down with a committee chair, and/or read our website/blog site. Keep informed. Bring yourself up to speed. Do not commit yourself unless you are ready.

We strongly recommend you volunteer for committee work on behalf of your organization. The power of networking and mutual assistance to the benefit of the military-veterans community can be enlarged.

Suggest a project you would like to lead. If it fits one of our objectives and resources are not constrained, we will consider it. Realize we are a busy “volunteer” organization always desperate for manpower. Everyone has an idea, so few wish to act on them. Volunteer organizations can give you the opportunity to try if you have the will.

So, if interested in joining a committee, we suggest you contact an officer, chairman, board member, or the administrative office. See Contact Us.